GABAB Receptor Antagonists

Cat. No. Product Name / Activity
1245 CGP 35348
Selective GABAB antagonist; brain penetrant
3219 CGP 36216 hydrochloride
GABAB antagonist; displays activity at presynaptic receptors
1246 CGP 52432
Potent and selective GABAB antagonist
1088 CGP 54626 hydrochloride
Potent and selective GABAB antagonist
1248 CGP 55845 hydrochloride
Potent and selective GABAB antagonist
0245 2-Hydroxysaclofen
Selective GABAB antagonist; more potent than Saclofen (Cat. No. 0246)
0246 Saclofen
Selective GABAB antagonist
0984 SCH 50911
Selective and competitive GABAB antagonist; orally bioavailable